Angèle Gladieu

Je suis née avec 4 semaines d’avance, une ½ vertèbre en moins, 1 trouble de dyslexie et dyscalculie… Si les chiffres et les lettres ne m’ont pas accueillie avec bienveillance, les traits, les formes et les couleurs sont devenus mon oxygène. Les voyages en Afrique du Sud, en Namibie et au Bénin en tant qu’assistante photographe de mon père portraitiste ont exercé mon œil et ouvert mon esprit. Un stage aux environs de Durban dans un centre de plongée avec les requins a développé mon goût pour l’aventure et mes compétences en anglais. Mes trois années au lycée Maximilien Vox en STD2A – à travers un enseignement robuste en design et arts appliqués comme dans toutes les matières académiques, dont la philosophie qui est enseignée dès la Seconde – ont achevé de me convaincre que mon regard sur le monde et mes propositions créatives valaient la peine que je les exprime. J’ai voulu créer ce mini site pour vous ouvrir une fenêtre sur ce que mes mains racontent de mon cœur et mon âme.


Stephan is represented by Olivier Castaing, owner of the SCHOOL GALLERY, in Paris. Stéphan Gladieu career began in 1989 covering war & social issues, travelling across Europe,Central Asia, the Middle East (Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Egypt, Pakistan) and Asia (India, Nepal, Vietnam, China, etc). His work began as travel features, but he became increasingly interested in using portraiture to illustrate the human condition around the world. His portraiture has included covering the Saudi Princes, Princesses in Nepal, actors & directors behind the scenes at Cannes Film Festival, politicians, intellectuals, but also everyday people the world over. Stephan still realise international features and portraits series, for international magazines but he is mainly focus on is personnal work: human story through colorfull portrait collection On the side of his journalist activity, Stephan is working with private compagny (LVMH, Danone, TOTAL…) and International Intitution (World Bank, UNICEF) to work on their visual identity. Stephan is represented by Olivier Castaing, owner of the School Gallery, in Paris. Nowadays, Stephan Gladieu’s work is published in leading publications in France and internationally. Published books: Women: The futur of Africa published by the World Bank 2018. The Central African Republic: Hope and resilience published by the World Bank 2017. Hip Hop culture published by Somogy editions d’art 2011. Fenêtre sur Courts (Windows on Court – Roland Garros), published by Intervalles in 2007. Destins de Harkis (Harakie Destiny), published by Autrement in 2003. Femmes Afghanes (Afghan Women), published by Hoëbeke in 2001. Afghans, published by Autrement in 2001. Exhibitions: - Herero, Maï Maï and Surma, London Photo, London, 2018 - Herero, Realportraitik #1, School Gallery, Paris 2018 - Central Africa World Bank, USA, Washington 2017 - Central Africa, Musée Branly, Paris 2016 - French Handcraft, LVMH Fondation, Paris 2016 - For The World Bank. " The year of woman's empowerment", Paris/ Washington 2016 - Caen War Memorial, Destins de Harkis France 2012 - North Station Paris, Portraits, France 2011 - Plaine Commune, terre de création, Stade de France 2010 - Various portraits, Galerie Artcurial, Paris, 2008 - Destins de Harkis (Algerian War), at the” Musée de l’Armée des Invalides”, Paris 2003 - Destins de Harkis (Algerian War), at the Archives Municipales de Marseille, 2004 - Destins de Harkis (Algerian War), at the Centre Culturel de Sucy, Nov 2004 - The life under Talibans in Afghanistan, in Paris, 2001 - The life under Talibans in Afghanistan, at the Bayeux Festival, 2001 Various work, at Visa International Photoreportage Festival in Perpignan, 1998, 2000,2003, 2006, 2008